Blockchain in Agriculture

Feeding The Green Revolution Through Dapp Game

Implementing blockchain in agriculture would bring one more digital dimension for green revolution. At bitdeal we experiment the concept through a decentrlaized game that lets users to harvest inside the blockchain.


To explore the importance of Agriculture, a fertilizer industry seeks the help of our Blockchain experts for the development of DApp Agricultural Game over Blockchain Network


"Blockchain overcomes the main hurdle of turbidity in case of food delivery and production"


Linking agricultural with decentralized blockchain ledger adds value to agricultural products, because the commoners and future generation could get understanding about the process and importance of agriculture and therefore assign greater value

Technology Stack

  • ServiceIconTRON Network
  • ServiceIconTRC20 TOKEN

Smart Contract

Smart contracts helps to generate agreements to complete each levels of the harvesting process.

  • ServiceIconContract to grow seed
  • ServiceIconContract to watering land


  • ServiceIconBlockchain Network : Game floor with multiple levels and Marketplace.
  • ServiceIconCrypto Tokens : The medium of transaction to buy/sell resources required for harvesting.Different Tokens will be created which replicates each resources required for agriculture.

    # WTR (Token as water)

    # LND (Token as Land)

    # SOL (Token as soil)

Game Flow

User needs to deposit a certain amount of crypto tokens to start the game. Once the deposit is completed, 5 boxes will appear and three of the boxes contain the resources in random options and one has real tokens (not replicating any resources) and the last is empty.User needs to choose one box and initiate the harvesting process.Based on the resources the user will be directed to harvesting modules.Based on the harvesting condition, the user needs to source the missing resources and complete the harvesting process within the given time frame.If the user received real Tokens, the amount will be deposited into the wallet.The user will receive appropriate currency for holding real tokens in their wallet. For every harvesting completion, the user will get cryptos from admin and the value can be fixed by admin.

Industrial Part

The gamer can buy real fertilizers using the agricultural token won from the game levels.

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