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Top 5 Business Models Of Bitcoin industry

If you are planning to start a bitcoin business,sure this article will help you to find best among them.

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Top 5 Business Models Of Bitcoin industry

Bitcoin business people always get confused about what business to start with bitcoin, and how to survive with it. So to simplify their confusion, bitdeal is happy to filter out the best bitcoin business model from the top of the queue. Lets' see the business models in descending order!

For your reference: Business models are presented in descending order based on its current priority level, and people's interest in those businesses.

#5 Bitcoin Gambling business:


Gambling with bitcoin allows people to acquire more number of bitcoin with what they have on their hands. Just like other casinos, bitcoin gambling also follows some specific rules and strategies. For a gambler, it is a business model with the probability of 50% profit, and 50% loss. But for a businessman, it will be a business model with 100% profit.

How to start this as a business?

As an initial step, you have to set up a gambling website with necessary features and have to create brand awareness for your business.

Advantages :

While comparing the profit level and user flow, Bitcoin gambling websites are the only business area which yields high profits, next to the top trading websites. So people who don't have an interest or enough financial needs to start a trading website can start gambling business.

You must ensure the legality of your business, and have to take steps to get approved by the government.

# 4 Bitcoin Wallet Services:

The core functionality of this business model is to provide third party wallet services to traders, and trading websites.

How to start this as a business?

You have to acquire a separate space for your wallets in cloud storage and blockchain.Enable multiple security layers to access bitcoin from the wallet. before that, you have to setup a website to provide bitcoin wallet services. Which will operate for users to register and store bitcoin to your wallet.


Still many of the trading website doesn't have a separate wallet for their traders, So as a business you can get tie up with popular trading websites, And can collect a commission for keeping their assets in your wallet.

You can collect many number of traders for your business, and then you can use them as resources for your future profitable bitcoin businesses.

# 3. Bitcoin Mining Business:

You may ask us this question " Bitcoin mining is an activity, so how can I start this as a business model?". But, you can do it. If you keep care of every activity you can launch this business with a bang, and achieve billions of profit earlier.

How to start this as a business?

As a business man, the main thing you must have to do is, set up a bitcoin mining firm. We accept it cost a lot, but you can reduce the cost of investment by partnering with bitcoin mining pools, or with plenty of bitcoin miners. Then you have to build a front end (i.e) a business website, which describes your business.

Advantages :

Either you can become a source of bitcoin, or you can mine bitcoin for others and collect commission based on their requirements.In another case, you can tie up with bitcoin Margin trading & lending websites. Also, you can earn commission from blockchain, for increasing the bitcoin circulation through mining.

#2 Bitcoin Exchange Business:


It was a prime business model of bitcoin industry and still, it is in peak. But after the arrival of some new profitable bitcon business models, it went to back in its position. The highlight of the business is keeping the traders to be always active, and keep them to monitor bitcoin price fluctuation all time. Trading with bitcoin becomes higher after crossing the price worth of $2000. So if not now, then you won't get another chance to launch your bitcoin exchange business.

How to start this as a business?

To start this as a business you have to setup a white label bitcoin exchange website, and make sure it has been integrated with highly secured features.

Advantages :

Bitcoin trading websites are the only source which determines the growth of bitcoin, and the price fluctuation. So your business will be always active.

No matter whatever happens in bitcoin price, trading will never get down.

Gives access for the traders to do peer to peer exchange, so for every successful trading, you can collect a commission from both of them.

# 1 Initial coin offering:

This is a very recent business model and we can consider this as a new arrival to the industry, But the impact of business is very huge. Bitcoin people says that this is a future of cryptocurrency. Because In a very short time, it becomes the hope for many bitcoin entrepreneurs, and pull back the trading system. The whole business works based on a tokenized system. What is ICO / How it actually works?

To start this as a business, you have to setup a website, which executes ICO campaigns.
Learn the advantages and more deep analysis of ICO here >

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