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How To Build a Dapp Like Cryptokitties
Find what is cryptokitties and also explore how to build a dapp like cryptokitties
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How to build a dapp like cryptokitties

During the end of 2017, a predominant cryptocurrency game has been introduced in blockchain space. The game become phenomenon one, within a short period of its launch. Everyone who researches about the cryptocurrency industry may aware of it and may excited about the success of this game. Yes, We are talking about a blockchain based crypto collectible game “crypto kitties”. The success of cryptokitties has inspired a lot of people and created a huge desire to make a game as similar to cryptokities.
In this article, we are going to explore about, How to create a cryptocurrency game like cryptokitties. For those who are looking forward to making business in the blockchain network, this blog will unblock a key idea, and ways to earn profit by launching an app like cryptokitties.
What is cryptokitties ?
Cryptokitties is an ethereum based dapp which is made up of a game nature, where anyone can buy, sell and breed charming virtual cats and kitties in exchange of ethereum. This dapp run on ethereum blockchain which is launched on November 28, 2017, by a Canada based software company Axiom Zen Inc.
Some Interesting Stats About Cryptokitties
1 . Headquarters - Vancouver, British columbia.
2. CEO - Roham Gharegozlou
3.On December 6th, 2017, there were around $6.7 million have been spent on this game by its users.
4. Here the kitties are categorized as gen 0, gen 1, gen 2 and etc.
This means the gen0 kitties are first generation cats and are classified as virgin cats, this kind of cats cost up to 246 ETH, In 2017 this was cost nearly $113,000. Ref;
5. While writing this article there were around 82364 active players and 2894 were from last month that is of March - April 2019. Referred from : kittyhelper
6. Crytpokitties have used genetic algorithm to create gentic based kittens
7. There were totally 38,015 kitties as of December 2018, and every kitty is unique from others. Ref: Covalenthq
8. Each kitty have been developed with Unique ID
9. As these kittens are virtual, smart contract plays a huge role in defining the characters, and appearance of a cat. It includes the cat eye, ear, nose, body, color and etc.
10. Between Jan 2018 to December 2018 The total number of auction volume was $9,0625,23.16 (i.e) around $9 Million US Dollars(Ref Covalent)
11. During the fundraising stage, cryptokitties have raised around $12Million,. Ref -
12.The all-time Total Sales is 554097, and the total sales volume of ethereum is 57225.58.
13.Total payout from the user of between jan 2018- December 2018 was $8,761,273 (i.e) 8.7 million US Dollars. Reference Covalent
Likewise we can list out a lot of interesting facts from the success of cryptokitties
How Cryptokitties Works?
This dapp let the users open an account for themselves, and from which they can buy, sell and breed their kitty with others kitty. The money-making idea behind this game is getting rare breeds. When a user gets a rare breed then he can sell it at a high cost.
How to make money with cryptokitties
The most expensive cryptokitty as far as now is Dragon : - > check out more here
- As said above cryptokitties uses a genetic algorithm. This algorithm works as similar to Bio - Genetics. Whereas the genes represent our eye color, hair color and a lot of stuff. Just like that the genetic algorithm in cryptokitties represent the background color, body color, eye color, mustache, fur patterns, expressions, tails and lot more.
- For every 16 minutes the network release new gen0 kitten by developers, when a newly released kitty gets high bid then the developer gets the total value of the bid. This is time by the crypto kitty network, just to encourage the developers in order to create new kitties

The Genetic algorithms in cryptokitties, let the mating cats, create a new kitten and with a new genome. The newborn crryptokitty will have the cattributes based on its genome Id.
This entire process has been written in smart contracts, so far every unique genome ID, it creates new kitty with new cattributes.
For more reference about how cryptokitties work > Check out here
Hope you had a basic idea about cryptokitties, Let’s discuss how to build a dapp like cryptokitties and which blockchain is most preferable.
How to build a dapp like cryptookitties?
You can create a dapp like cryptokitties in two ways.
- Using the open source code
- And by leveraging a blockchain like TRON Which favors creating entertainment-based dapps.
Using Open Source Code
You must have some basic development skill to understand the cryptography algorithm and must have the basic knowledge to develop a dapp in the blockchain.
Skills required
- Expertise to handle Development tools
- Must be capable of writing smart contracts and auditing it.
- UI/UX Design
- Testing skills
Steps to create a dapp in ethereum
- Create an account on ethereum dapp
- Setup dapp development tools
- Review the smart contracts of cryptokitties
- Code your own smart contracts
- Test, and Run Your Smart Contracts
Cryptokitties smart contracts can be divided into smaller as below
- KittyAccessControl - This contract defines who is having full access control over a kitty.
- KittyBase - it defines the attributes of a kitty like a birth time, Gene Code.
- Kittyownership - This defines the kitties as tokens, these tokens are fungible tokens and are written on ERC721. The ownership of a kitten is tangible.
- Kttiybreeding - This Contract used while the players breeding a kitten.
- Genescience- the core concept of the crypto kitty hold by this smart contract. (i.e) The fun of the game is making a new breed. If the gene codes are open to everyone, then anyone can make a rare breed by comparing it with other kitty code. So the fun will get reduced, and will not excite the users. So the Creators made it a closed contract.
- KittyAuctions: It has the detail of buying and selling of kittens through smart contracts.
- KittyMinting: This contract defines the opportunities of creating gen0 kittens
- Kittycore: This is the core contract, which combines everything together to work properly
How TRON Can Be a Better Option to Create a Dapp Like Cryptokitties
We know the crypto kitty has been created on the ethereum blockchain, but the TRON is a blockchain just similar like ethereum which favors the developer to create entertainment-based dapp on TRON network.
There are a lot of Crypto collectible dapps on TRON you can check it out here ->
Check out this article to learn about How to create a dapp on TRON?
Bitdeal - Dapp Development Company
If you are impressed of the popular crypt collectible “crytpokitties” dapp and are wishing to earn billion of profit by launching your dapp as similar as cryptokitties, then connect with Bitdeal - Leading Dapp Development Company has a team of expert dapp developers. We keep hunting for the best blockchain to develop a dapp and are hunting for the best ways to build a user-friendly dapp. We have now initiated to provide Dapp development on TRON, and are looking forward to leveraging the Minter, Nexus, Bitshares, LISK, Waves, Stellar, Cardano and more.
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