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How To Build a Peer-to-Peer Cryptocurrency Exchange Like LocalBitcoins?

Explore here the steps to build a P2P Crypto Exchange like LocalBitcoins with LocalBitcoins Clone Script

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How To Build a Peer-to-Peer Cryptocurrency Exchange Like LocalBitcoins?

What is LocalBitcoins?

Localbitcoins is a Finland-based Peer-to-Peer Bitcoin Marketplace. Traders can post advertisements on the LocalBitcoins Website. Localbitcoins have an influence and Feedback Mechanism. 

LocalBitcoins Business Model

The LocalBitcoins business model is an intermediary website where traders can meet and agree on the conditions of the exchange. The transaction can be managed on the site using the built-in automatic exchange tools.

The Euros and basic information related to the users will differ based on the tires.

The Target Audience of LocalBitcoins is people who want to buy or sell bitcoin as profitably as possible. 

 LocalBitcoins Customer base

The Trade Volume of LocalBitcoins is 1,400 - 3,000 Bitcoins Per Day.    

Security Features Of LocalBitcoins Clone

Escrow Services

The purpose of using Escrow is to hold an asset before they are transferred from one person to another person. Users can trade anytime in Localbitcoins. 

Reputation Ranking 

Reputation Ranking is based on the History of Trading Activities of the Traders with the Other Parties in the transaction.

Login Protection

When you log in with a different web browser, you will be asked to verify your email address. Then, LocalBitcoins will check to see if you're using the same web browser.


LocalBitcoins does not Share Users Information.

PIN verification

When you are logging into your LocalBitcoins Account, you must enter a PIN that is sent to your cell phone.

Dispute resolution

LocalBitcoins helps to resolve disputes between the Traders on transactions.”

Why do we need to build cryptocurrency exchanges like Localbitcoins?

Localbitcoins Exchanges Advantages 

  1. The main advantage of Localbitcoins is you can buy Bitcoin with any fiat Currencies. 
  2. Transactions are Fast and Instant (While Trading Cryptocurrency)
  3. It Works on Completely Decentralized Mechanism. You can directly deal with people. 
  4. They have enabled Two Factor Authentication (2FA)  For Additional Security purposes. 
  5. Another advantage of LocalBitcoins is that it is accessible all over the world.

Bitdeal is a P2P Crypto Exchange Development Company Offering p2p cryptocurrency exchange script to start your own crypto exchange like LocalBitcoins. One of the best ways to build Cryptocurrency exchanges like LocalBitcoins is using Clone Script. This Clone Script may require some additional Customization to execute the trades completely. This method is easier than developing an exchange platform from Scratch.

What is Localbitcoins Clone Script?

LocalBitcoins Clone  Script is a ready-made cryptocurrency exchange website script that makes you launch a crypto exchange platform instantly like LocalBitcoins.  Localbitcoins clone script is a famous clone script that includes all existing features like LocalBitcoins

Benefits of Using LocalBitcoins Clone Script

  • Online/Offline Bitcoin Trading
  • Multi-Currency Support
  • Advertisement
  • Multi-Lingual Support
  • Matching Engine
  • Highly Secured Escrow Wallet
  • Advanced UI/UX Design

How Localbitcoins Clone Script Works?

  • Registration
  • Advertisement
  • Proceed With The Transactions
  • Escrow Services
  • Feedback


If you want to trade cryptocurrencies You must sign up and log in to the website by email and submit some personal details such as (Passport and National Id)


The seller can create an advertisement for Sell or buy bitcoin with bitcoin quantity

Proceed With The Transactions:

If the Traders are Satisfied with the Conditions, then they can proceed with the Transactions.

Escrow Services

The purpose of Escrow In Exchange is a mechanism to confirm both buyer and seller for cryptocurrency Transactions.


The user can give feedback about Exchanges. It improves the transparency of the website and avoids scammers. 

Other Top Selling Clone Script From Bitdeal 

  1. Paxful Clone Script
  2. Binance Clone Script
  3. Wazirx Clone Script
  4. Remitano Clone Script
  5. Coinbase Clone Script

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Disclaimer: Bitdeal never has control over the Localbitcoins and their trade mark, also we are not doing any promotional activities for them . We are using the term "Localbitcoins" for easy understanding and identification. Our products and services are not mean to harm any organization or individual.

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